What To Consider On Your Child’s 1st Birthday Party
Time flies really fast. From the birth of your child the next big thing that you will surely be planning ahead is his/her first birthday celebration. Parents deserve a pat on their backs for raising their little one. It is not easy to take care of a fragile little baby. This is why celebrating your baby’s first birthday is not just all about the little one, it is also a day of celebration of becoming a parent.
Now, most first time parents are clueless of how they should organize their child’s first birthday party. Do not fret because we are here to help! It is pretty obvious that little babies cannot join yet the party per se and most probably it would be their parents who will join in the fun. But nevertheless, it is important to make these little ones feel the festive atmosphere of the event.
We have gathered few things that should be accounted for when your baby’s first birthday celebration is just around the corner.
-Make the party a little shorter than the usual birthday parties. Small children are most likely to get irritated especially if they sense that their parents are the ones enjoying the event.
-Make the atmosphere more child-friendly. Decorate the venue in a more fun way where your little guests could enjoy just from the mere sight of colourful balloons and decorations.
-Provide a baby-proof venue. Expect that your one year old baby and his little guests would find this party as a day of exploration and you would not want any accidents to happen while you are busy tending other guests.
-Ensure safety when executing party games. Your little guests won’t probably be joining the game alone but with their parents or guardians. Make sure that the little ones won’t get hurt as adults try to win the game for their babies.
-Provide child-friendly plates and cutlery.
-Play children songs as the party is going on. This will add entertainment to the little ones and would help to keep them on their seats.
These are small details as it may seem but let’s admit it, most of the time these are the most forgotten ones. As parents get excited to celebrate their child’s first birthday party, do take time to look at the above list to ensure a happier and safer 1st birthday party.
Let the professionals take care of this special day! Book your party with Fairyland Theatre!
416 663 1700
Photo Credit: IsaacImage (http://www.isaacimage.com)
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